TBM850 N852X
12-15 AUG 2016
23 JAN 2017
TBM850 N854CA
2-4 FEB 2017
A tailwheel checkout is more than just stepping into and flying a different type of airplane. It's more than merely figuring out what hand-foot-eye coordination is involved in operating an airplane that has the wheel that steers located behind the aircraft's center of gravity, in the hope of not rolling the thing up into a ball. It is the development of a different mindset with regard to planning and judgment, and a refusal to tolerate sloppiness well beyond any level needed in the more forgiving nosewheel airplanes. In my experience and in talking with other, more experienced tailwheel instructors, that kind of learning takes time to become ingrained in one's psyche. While the syllabus below only shows three "lessons," the number of hours required to complete all three to acceptable tolerances will be different for each student and training situation
TBM700 N700WT
8-9 AUG 2016
TBM850 N330GG
11-12 MAY 2016
JETPROP N67TG 16-18 MAY 2016
29 JULY 2016
TBM850 N896CA
4-5 MAY 2016
Student Pilot
Student Pilot Lessons Overview
The first step in learning how to fly in Flight is to learn the fundamentals of controlling the aircraft. As you view the order of the lessons, it may seem odd that the takeoff lesson is not first.
That is because the prerequisite skills for taking off involve an understanding of how to control the aircraft as soon as it is in the air.
There is more training available after these lessons. However, if all that you want to do is fly, the lessons teach the most basic skills that you will need.
Lesson 1: Straight and Level Flight
Lesson 2: Turns
Lesson 3: Climbs and Descents
Lesson 4: Slow Flight
Lesson 5: Takeoffs
Lesson 6: Landings
Lesson 7: Your First Solo
19-23 FEB 2017
27-30 DEC 2016
25-27 APRIL 2016
29 MAY 2016
29 MAY 2016
9-12 APR 2017
Sanchez Aviation Training Service
4-10 JAN 2017
29 JULY 2016
paul sanchez, cfii-mei | 10643 shore drive boca raton FL 33428-5645 us
26-29 oct 2016
Aviation Training Services
TBM850, N211GR
23-24 MAY 2016
11-12 JUN 2016
13 APR 2017
Private Pilot
Private Pilot Lessons Overview
The first step after you complete your Student lessons is taxiing. You will learn basic flight maneuvers and radio navigation. Mastering these skills will help you progress more smoothly through the rest of your training.
Solo Flight: Taxiing
Lesson 1: Stalls
Lesson 2: Steep Turns
Solo Flight: Steep turns
Lesson 3: VOR Navigation
Lesson 4: The Traffic Pattern
Solo Flight: Traffic Pattern
Lesson 5: Air Traffic Control
Private Pilot Checkride
Instrument Pilot
Instrument Rating Lessons Overview
Earning a Flight Instrument Rating will make you a more versatile and proficient pilot. You will enjoy new experiences with Flight navigation and weather features. You will do your instrument training in the same aircraft you used for your private pilot certification. Although, the basic maneuvers are the same, in these lessons you will learn to perform them only by reference to the instruments. You will master the art of the instrument scan and learn the intricacies of flying instrument approaches.
Solo Flight: Scanning the Instruments
Lesson 1: The VOR Approach
Solo Flight: VOR Approach
Lesson 2: The ILS Approach
Solo Flight: ILS Approach
Lesson 3: Holding Patterns
Solo Flights: Three Ways to Enter Holding
Instrument Rating Checkride
6-7 JUN 2016
Sanchez aviation training services aviation training flight instruction has been doing aviation training services since 1988. Paul Sanchez does over 50 training events per year in a variety of turboprop aircraft bellow 12,500 lbs.
Training times are usually controlled by two factors, scheduling and weather. While some training can be completed on rainy and cloudy days, the majority of your flights will require good weather. Certified Instructors Paul Sanchez works around your availability to make sure training is accomplished in a timely manner.
A shorter time between lessons shortens the training time and of course the opposite is true as well. Some of the standard training at Sanchez Aviation Training Services are Straight and Level Flight, Turns, Climbs and Descents Lesson, Slow Flight, Takeoffs, Landings, First Solo, Complex Aircraft Checkout, short field takeoffs and landings, engine failure emergency landing, vertical speed required, runway extensions, racetrack over runway threshold, emergency procedures, and much more.
Instrument approaches under actual or simulated conditions, including full missed approaches and holding.
You'll be introduced to several techniques for handling an engine failure.
Here are just few training Sanchez Aviation training services has performed this year!